When Pink Met Cyan: An Among Us Love Story
True love is hard to find and even harder to keep. Cyan had to learn that the hard way when she met her Soulmate, Pink. This is their story of intense emotions, broken trust, shattered hearts, evil lies, and painful deaths.
Cyan Meets Pink
‘Sign up for epic space missions today, and experience the adventure of a lifetime’ said the poster. Cyan, who had just gone through four years of college and was now entering the adult world with her Liberal Arts degree, no money and a towering student debt, decided to apply for the unpaid internship.
Not long after, Cyan found herself aboard a spaceship alongside 9 colleagues who all happened to be dressed in a different colour. It was very fabulous, and Cyan was beyond excited to be part of such an important space mission.
All of a sudden, she locked eyes with Pink.

‘Cyan, I assume?’ he said, checking out her spacesuit. Pink had a fabulous little cheese on top of his head. Cyan loved it.
‘It is a shame we can only talk during meetings, but one has to follow the company guidelines,’ she sighed.
Pink looked her deep in the eyes. ‘It doesn’t matter,’ he said, ‘whenever I can’t speak to you, I will think of you’.
It was then that Cyan knew she had found her Soulmate. But her happiness was short-lived.
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Imposter Alert!
‘Dear Crew’, a message from HQ read, ‘It has come to our attention that we have some Imposters… Among US. Two ghosts sneaked on board your spaceship. They will most likely try to kill all of you, so make sure you kick them off asap. You can hold Emergency Meetings to find out who’s killing you guys, but you still gotta work and the ‘no-talking on the job’ rule is still in place. Sorry for any inconvenience caused & good luck, Headquarters’.
The Crewmates, who had just gathered in the Cafeteria for lunch, were silent. Well, they were already silent before because of company rules, but now they felt the silence. They realized there was only one thing they could do; complete tasks and hope to live.
Cyan ran off to do her job on her own. Honestly, it felt a bit unwise to just scatter across the spaceship, but whatever. Unsurprisingly, it wasn’t long before the first murder got reported. Cyan was happy to learn it was Blue, who she didn’t care for anyway.

Red Sus
‘Wasn’t me’
‘So where?’
‘Guys, we only have one minute left,’ White said. ‘I believe I saw Yellow fake a Common Task, and I also spotted him in a room connected by vents to the room where the body was found, only seconds before the report.’

‘Red kinda sus tho,’ said Lime.
‘Yeah, Red sus,’ said Pink.
Cyan looked at Pink. He was so calm and rational in his accusations. She decided to join the others, and together they threw Red in space. He would die a very slow and painful death by simultaneous suffocation, explosive diarrhea, and imploding lungs due to the way their spacesuits were designed.
‘Uhm… HQ here,’ a new message read, ‘You just murdered an innocent human being. But it’s okay, we’re a powerful space corporation and we’ll cover it up for you. Now back to work please.’
‘Come with me, I’ll protect you,’ Pink whispered quickly. He and Cyan ran around, enjoying each other’s company for as long as they could.
Obi-Wan Kepinky
Pink stopped to look at the Security screens. Cyan joined him, carefully monitoring what was happening in the corridors.
But alas! When Cyan looked away, Pink was nowhere to be seen.
‘Pink!’ she yelled. ‘Oh god, please don’t be dead…’
She took another look at the security camera. No sign of Pink.

‘Hello there,’ a voice behind her said.
It was Pink, re-appearing as if he’d dropped out of the sky.
‘Pink!’ Cyan cried happily. ‘I was afraid you’d died.’
‘Never,’ said Pink, smiling sexily.
The Troll
‘OMG who??’

‘It was definitely Blue,’ said Lime.
‘Blue’s dead tho’
‘Oh sorry, I meant Red’
‘We killed Red’
‘Oh yeah, that’s right. It’s White, I think.’
‘Kick Lime?’
‘Now, wait a minute-’ said White.
‘Kick Lime.’
Cyan, confident that they would soon be safe, watched Lime disappear slowly into darkness amidst his agonizing screams.
Then, another message from HQ appeared. ‘Dear All, Lime was a troll. There’s only four of you left now, so better make work of finding the Imposters. TRUST NO ONE.’
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A Matter Of Trust
‘Damn Pink,’ Cyan sighed, ‘I am so glad I still have you.’
Pink nodded. ‘I’ll always protect you Cyan, have no fear. We’ll get through this, and then we’ll be together forever.’
Again, they ran off together. Cyan, who was thinking about baby names, almost tripped over half of Black’s body. Pink reported.
‘I think it was White,’ he said.
‘I literally saw Yellow jump out of a vent just now,’ said White, who was getting a bit annoyed.
‘I also think White is sus,’ said Cyan, who felt like backing up Pink.
Purple, who was on his first game and had no clue what was going on, looked helpless.

‘ALRIGHT I’VE JUST ABOUT HAD IT NOW,’ White suddenly screamed. ‘F*cking vote for Yellow or I’ll run this ship right into Mars! Kick me next if it ain’t him!’
Cyan looked at Pink. Pink appeared to be in deep thought.
‘All right,’ he finally said, ‘Let’s kick Yellow.’
Death To The Imposter
Message from HQ: ‘You Noobs have finally done it! One down, one to go! Just know that all monetary losses from a failed mission will be collected from you weeping widows according to your employment contracts. So don’t feel pressured, but don’t be lazy. Good luck!’
‘We’ve done it Pink!’ Cyan whispered quickly.
‘I love you, Cyan,’ he said.
The four of them ran to MedBay, where Purple finally decided to use his visual task.
All of a sudden, he was dead.
‘Pink! It’s Pink!’ White yelled, jumping away.
‘Wait, aren’t we supposed to call a meeting now? We can’t talk,’ said Cyan, frowning.
‘Screw company rules! We literally watched him murder Purple. Let’s skip the meeting and just eject him!’ White argued.
Cyan looked at Pink in silence. Then she turned back to White. ‘Are you trying to trick me?’
‘Cyan, we saw him kill Purple.’
‘White kinda sus,’ said Pink.
‘Are you… Did you?’ Cyan stammered.

Broken Love
Pink stood before Cyan. He looked her deep in the eyes.
‘I meant what I said. I will never harm you. I love you. But I got to play my part in the history of our kind. Please Cyan, find it in your heart to forgive me.’
‘What? Pink? No, Pink! Don’t do it-’
Pink opened his mouth. A very long, narrow tongue sprang out and pierced White in the face.
‘Lol, have fun kissing that,’ said White to Cyan. Then, with his last strength, he turned to Pink.
‘I hope you burn in hell.’
Pink cheered for himself and turned to look for Cyan.
‘lol gg. Gg! I said gg? Cyan?’
But all that was left of Cyan were the pieces of her shattered heart, slowly drowning in the pools made by the tears of her soul-crushing despair.
The End.
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