Never Have I Ever: GAMER EDITION – 20 Questions
Finally, a drinking game you can relate to after playing CS: GO in your mom’s basement all day. The sad times of playing ‘Never Have I Ever’ while your drink remains untouched, are finally over. We present to you, the one and only: ‘Never Have I Ever ~ GAMER EDITION’.
For first timers, these are the rules: every statement starts with ‘Never Have I Ever’ followed by something you might have done at some point in your life. If you did it, you drink. If you’ve never done the thing mentioned, you don’t drink. Simple. Oh, and be honest!

Just a disclaimer: if you are really going to play this using alcohol, be careful and know your limits! Switch to a nice glass of fresh milk if you feel yourself getting drunk. And more importantly: if you are a minor, it is milk only for you!! Yes, I am your mother.
With that out of the way, let’s start our game!
1) Never Have I Ever: stayed up playing games until the sun rose
We have no lives, but at least we have our games 😀
2) Never Have I Ever: cried after losing a game
Be honest, I said!
3) Never Have I Ever: killed a penguin in Super Mario 64
You’re evil. Confirmed.

4) Never Have I Ever: imagined having s*x with a video game character
If nobody’s drinking; you’re all liars!!
5) Never Have I Ever: teabagged
This is a tricky one in current times of #MeToo awareness. I won’t judge you though.
6) Never Have I Ever: had dirty thoughts about Zelda or Princess Peach
Ah, the classic Nintendo ladies. Don’t worry, you’re probably not alone.
7) Never Have I Ever: done a Fortnite dance in real life
If you drink, you have lost all respect from everyone who has ever known you. But you still have to be honest.
8) Never Have I Ever: fallen in love with video game character
I am so sorry for the drinkers in this one.
9) Never Have I Ever: killed my friend until they rage-quitted
Gaming. It’s all about making memories that last a lifetime 😊
10) Never Have I Ever: murdered Nazeem
To be fair, this is pretty much mandatory for any Skyrim player.

11) Never Have I Ever: been a guild leader
True leadership only comes through gaming. “We don’t do alliances, you guys can kill everyone”.
12) Never Have I Ever: committed in-game mass murder just for the sake of it
We all have a little psychopath hidden inside ourselves.
13) Never Have I Ever: looked up questionable Bowsette images
Unquestionable ones count as well.
14) Never Have I Ever: lied about being a gamer
Most oppressed minority, whoop whoop!!
15) Never Have I Ever: blown myself up in a grenate-cooking accident
16) Never Have I Ever: dropped off Rainbow Road more than 8 times in one race
I hope you’ve counted. When in doubt, just drink.

17) Never Have I Ever: failed to beat Dark Souls and lied about it
Fake it ‘til you make it.
18) Never Have I Ever: gone to great lengths to torture my Sims in the most creative ways
Putting them in the swimming pool & removing the ladder counts.
19) Never Have I Ever: given my hard-earned money to a pay-to-win mobile game
Just sorting out the sad ones among you 😉
20) Never Have I Ever: had an MMORPG boyfriend or girlfriend who I never saw in real life
We’ve all been there. Just try not to think of the person that must have been behind their avatar.
I hope you’re still able to walk. Especially if you have been drinking milk. If you got drunk on milk, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.
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