Why Just Dance is a Bad Game
Usually when I dislike a popular game, I do understand why others like it. But when it comes to ‘Just Dance’, I don’t. With the Just Dance 2021 release only a few months away, it is time for me to give fans a reality check.
Just Dance is Just Videos
I recently ‘played’ Just Dance 2020 for the first time on my Nintendo Switch. Luckily for me, I borrowed the game, because I was utterly disappointed. Not because of the music, mind; I knew beforehand that I would hate 99% of the songs. No, it was because of the complete lack of gameplay.
While jumping around like a monkey on steroids during the first song, I quickly discovered that I could literally make any movement I wanted, and still get a good score. Just waving around the console in your hand is enough. Of course, you could say; ‘doesn’t matter, just try to imitate the video as best you can and ignore the score’, but doesn’t that defeat the whole purpose of Just Dance being a ‘game’? You can look up any music video you want on YouTube for free and get the same experience.
Dance training options
I’m not done tearing down this abomination of a game yet. My other complaint is the lack of added value in the learning department. Apart from your inaccurate score, you will not get any option to improve yourself. If you want to ‘learn’ a dance, the only thing this game does for you, is playing a video. Are the movements too fast for you? Just replay it. And replay it. There is not a single dance lesson in this game. None. Just videos of a basic animated figures dancing to basic songs.
Perhaps the game would have been a little bit better if I had the option to use two controllers at the same time, so the game could at least register the movements of two hands instead of one. Although I expected my leg movements not to matter, I really expected this option to be available. Did I mention I am glad I did not pay money for this game?
Bad value for money
A final thing that really bothers me; if you want all the dances this game has to offer, you’ve got to pay extra. The base game is already very expensive, and it only features 40 new songs. That is not a lot for a game that costs $40 (or €60).
As Ubisoft seems bound to milk Just Dance every year, they obviously have the option to improve themselves. But will they?
Just Dance 2021 practice mode
You can find a list of Just Dance 2021 features on the Nintendo website. I can tell you already, though, that it does not mention anything remarkable. Just the standard 40 new songs.
If, however, Just Dance 2021 would feature a practice mode, it would greatly improve my opinion of the game. The best way to do this would be by adding an instruction for each of the songs that explains every movement. Perhaps in the form of an animated teacher (Wii Fit style). That said, even adding a ‘slow mode’ to play every dance at half speed would make a difference.
If Ubisoft ever adds such a practice mode, I will definitely try the game again. Let’s hope that they do.
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