Gothic/Punk/Metal Halloween Party Songs!
The darkest night of the year is near and you don’t have a playlist ready for your Halloween party? Well, your worries are officially over. I hereby present my own, carefully constructed Gothic, Punk & Metal playlist with the best songs to spook your nights.
However, I couldn’t decide whether to go for a gothic rock/punk or a metal playlist, so I just combined some of my favourite music genres in one list. That means it’s possible that you love half of these songs, and hate the rest. In that case, I believe this collection may still be useful to help you create your own personal playlist for Halloween.
You can find the full playlist here on the Council’s YouTube channel. I’ll also list the songs and artists below (in order of the playlist; not ranked) and give them scores for 1) Spookiness 2) Halloween-theme and 3) Party Quality. Keep in mind that the party-element is quite important, so some of these songs are not the darkest or best songs ever written but they are definitely catchy and fun.
Final note: I’ve never been to a Halloween party myself (or a party, for that matter- but don’t worry, I’m not as sad as I sound), so this list fits my idea of what such a party should look like. I’m picturing an old mansion, Jack-o’-lanterns everywhere, some ghouls, noisy poltergeists, werewolves, vampires, breakdancing skeletons and the Addams family. And here’s the music:
Bauhaus – Bela Lugosi’s Dead
- Spookiness: ●●●●○
- Halloween-theme: ●●●●●
- Party Quality: ○○○○○
A great opening for your party, in my opinion. Not exactly a party song, but it cannot be missed on any Gothic Halloween songlist. This will set the mood for what is to come.
Nox Arcana – Transylvania Overture
- Spookiness: ●●●●●
- Halloween-theme: ●●●●○
- Party Quality: ○○○○○
To announce that the party is really starting now.
Bathory – Raise the Dead
- Spookiness: ●●●○○
- Halloween-theme: ●●●○○
- Party Quality: ●●○○○
Because any good Halloween party starts with raising zombies, right?
Marilyn Manson – This is Halloween
- Spookiness: ●●●●○
- Halloween-theme: ●●●●●
- Party Quality: ●●●●○
Time for something fun!
Type O Negative – Black No. 1 (Little Miss Scare All)
- Spookiness: ●○○○○
- Halloween-theme: ●●●●○
- Party Quality: ●●●○○
For a few seconds, I seriously considered adding the short version of this song to the list. But no, you all have to sit through the full 11 minutes and 15 seconds.
Eyes of the Nightmare Jungle – Shadow Dance
- Spookiness: ●○○○○
- Halloween-theme: ●●●○○
- Party Quality: ●●●●●
Even the zombies will take to the dance floor for this one.
Alice Cooper – Feed My Frankenstein
- Spookiness: ●○○○○
- Halloween-theme: ●●●●○
- Party Quality: ●●●○○
For the hungry.
Dissection – Where Dead Angels Lie
- Spookiness: ●●●●○
- Halloween-theme: ●●●○○
- Party Quality: ●●○○○
Time for some metal again!
Camille Saint-Saëns – Danse Macabre
- Spookiness: ●●●●●
- Halloween-theme: ●●●○○
- Party Quality: ●●●○○
Every party needs a slow song, right?
Slayer – Dead Skin Mask
- Spookiness: ●●○○○
- Halloween-theme: ●●●○○
- Party Quality: ●●●○○
To compensate for the slow song.
Rob Zombie – Dragula
- Spookiness: ●●●○○
- Halloween-theme: ●●●●○
- Party Quality: ●●●●●
To be honest, every Rob Zombie song would do well at your Halloween party. But this is my favourite!
She Past Away – Rituel
- Spookiness: ●●●○○
- Halloween-theme: ●●○○○
- Party Quality: ●●●●●
Another one for those dancing zombies.
Type O Negative – All Hallows Eve
- Spookiness: ●○○○○
- Halloween-theme: ●●●●●
- Party Quality: ●●○○○
So I made this rule called “only one song per artist/band”. But the rules don’t apply to Peter, so here’s another Type O Negative.
Cradle of Filth – Born in a Burial Gown
- Spookiness: ●●●○○
- Halloween-theme: ●●●○○
- Party Quality: ●●●●○
Because Dani Filth makes your Halloween party even more Halloween.
Omnia – Wytches’ Brew
- Spookiness: ●●●○○
- Halloween-theme: ●●●●○
- Party Quality: ●●●●○
Time for another light & fun song.
London After Midnight – The Bondage Song
- Spookiness: ●●○○○
- Halloween-theme: ●○○○○
- Party Quality: ●●●●●
Slightly off-topic, but who cares? It’s catchy and great for any gothic party. Well, at least the 18+ ones.
Ministry – Every Day is Halloween
- Spookiness: ●○○○○
- Halloween-theme: ●●●●●
- Party Quality: ●●●○○
Oh, how I love the 80’s!
Avatar – Smells Like a Freakshow
- Spookiness: ●●○○○
- Halloween-theme: ●●●○○
- Party Quality: ●●●●○
The title of this song is a compliment to any good Halloween party.
Belzebubs – Blackened Call
- Spookiness: ●●●○○
- Halloween-theme: ●●○○○
- Party Quality: ●●●○○
Don’t let the animation fool you, this is actually a really good metal. Included with special regard for the elitists among us.
Theatres des Vampires – La Danse Macabre des Vampire
- Spookiness: ●●●○○
- Halloween-theme: ●●●●○
- Party Quality: ●●●●●
A different kind of danse macabre…
I hope you enjoyed this playlist! If you want to discover more awesome songs, try my list of the 25 Best Gothic Love Songs of All Time. If you want to follow me, click this link:
> Follow Loesy Valentina on Instagram